Happy, Texas and Mystery, Alaska

If you've always had the sneaking suspicion that the people watching movies at Sundance every year are assholes... well that's probably because some things never change. And HAPPY, TEXAS may be the most infamous example of a festival hit being an unmitig...

4 years ago

If you've always had the sneaking suspicion that the people watching movies at Sundance every year are assholes... well that's probably because some things never change. And HAPPY, TEXAS may be the most infamous example of a festival hit being an unmitigated disaster that nearly killed the career of Steve Zahn. Wait. According to Wikipedia this was his "breakout role." And was also a "box-office hit." A "cult classic?" If only our legion of fans would take up this cause to combat the fake news of yet another Jeremy Northam masterclass in suckdom. Alas, there are probably more important matters in these troubled times.

Such as Ron Eldard playing quite the cocksmith in MYSTERY, ALASKA. That's rich!

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